Saturday, March 13, 2010

Vlog: What Anna Eats

This video was requested a LOT and I decided to put it on my vlog channel because honestly, The Style Diet is about fashion and style, not about food!  I don't know why people are so interested in what I eat and I actually had this video for a while on my computer and was debating whether I should put it up or's a little intrusive - BUT!  I chose to make this video so I guess it's not. :)  

To sum it up, I don't diet...I just eat healthy.  I eat a mostly vegetarian and very Mediterranean-style diet.  Lots of veggies and pasta...not a lot of potatoes or white bread and hardly any meat at all - if I do eat meat it's generally chicken or fish.  I hate junk food, don't eat a lot of chocolate and never ever drink soft drinks or alcohol!  I drink a lot of green tea and water.  At the weekends I eat desserts but they're mostly home-made :)   At the same time, I don't deprive myself of anything, if I really want a brownie I'll eat it.  This is how I've eaten since I've been in school and most of my life so it works for me!

Also, I'd like to add that I am not a nutritionist or a doctor so if you are planning on copying exactly what I eat, I suggest consulting your doctor first because what's right for me may not be right for you!  I don't do a lot of strenuous exercise at all - I just go for walks daily, and I've always been like that, so that's something to take into account too.  If you do a lot of exercise your diet needs to work with that.  



Anonymous said...

girl... you have no idea how to eat a healthy/balanced meal. hopefully this video is BS and not what you actually eat in a day.

Anonymous said...

i agree on the first comment. you have young subscribers.hope this don´t influence them to follow such a rubbish way of eating just to be as thin as you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it does seem rather limited. You are missing out on a lot of nutrition! It is important not only to have more protein and vegetables in your diet but also some sugary foods! I could never be this controlled with my diet! But I don't want to sound difficult as I understand everybody is different and it was your choice to make this video.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry but that is frightening and very self absorbed. Is this your concept of "the style diet"? That is a very irresponsible thing to post, I thought you would be a bit more intelligent or even have some common sense.

You should be more careful about your actions and postings when you are aware of your young subscribers. If you eat like a rabbit keep that to yourself.

I dont know what this site is for anymore, all it seems to do is feed a hungry ego, which has the largest appetite.

Anonymous said...

Im sure she doesn't eat that way/exactly the same things day in, day out, nor goes without food if shes hungry. Perhaps she just doesnt have a huge appetite. I personally eat more than Anna but I am thinner (not by choice, believe it or not!!).. I hardly think she is too thin, she seems a healthy weight to me, and had she eaten more on the vid Im sure she wouldnt have gotten the 'too skinny' or starving yourself orientated comments.. And as for eating like a rabbit, I didnt realise rabbits ate pasta, pesto and strawberry yoghurts..
If people want to follow her 'diet' to the letter then more fool them IMO!

If you dont like what to read or see then just simply click the little X at the top right corner, move along or go back to your perfect-in-every-way lives..

marisa said...

wow i definitely eat more than you! lol you need more veggies in your diet and more veg. protein. :)

Meredith said...

anna, sorry these people are giving you a hard time about the hard work you put in to making videos to share your life/diet with your viewers! i am a vegetarian and constantly get crap from my extended family and people who don't understand WHY i chose to eat what i eat/my lifestyle. i hope you don't take the above comments to heart. obviously you dont eat this exact thing every single day so you do get different nutrients each day. you obviously have gorgeous, radiant skin, healthy hair and your body is at your natural weight. not sure why everyone has to get so negative!!!!
for those saying you need to eat more protein - perhaps they didnt realize cous cous salad and chick peas are high in protein, as is whole grain oatmeal/porridge.
anyway please ignore the haters - your loyal subbies love you and realize you are not posting your entire monthly diet on your youtube!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Im sorry but youve lost a subscriber as of now..

Anonymous said...

i know how it is if everybody tells you that you should eat more but i haven`t got very big appetite. BUT honestly I eat more than you (and much more fruits not only one apple because I love apples ;)) by the way I`m boyish shape! You should pay attention with those "diet" yoghurts, they aren`t very healthy and they don`t have always less fat! You have a soo very beautiful body, you don`t have to eat diet things ;)
this comment is not negative it`s only a tip! <3 :)

Anonymous said...

OMG girls !!! she eat normal !! i like it !! you are the best !!

Anonymous said...

OR for heavens sakes haters-
Go vomit hate comments on someone else's page.

Anna knows what is best for her body and up at the top she says very explicitly "Talk with your doctor about starting any way of eating may not be best for you."

Ya'll just need to chill out. If you want to stuff your face with a double cheeseburger that's fine...that's the way you choose to eat...Don't be hating on Anna because she chooses to eat a different way. She obviously is healthy and uses portion control. It doesn't look like she deprives herself of anything (and she eat's when she's hungry...hence the eating more than 3 times a day) it's just called MODERATION.

I appreciate your vulnerability to post a video like this- thanks!

Anonymous said...

Anorexic bitch. Dress ugly, kills animals, no ass, dumb as a rock, what else? Yeah, it doesn't get worse than anna saccone.

Maddie said...
This post has been removed by the author.
Maddie said...

I do realise that many of the things such as cous cous and chick peas are high in protein I just worry that some younger girls may watch this and then worry they eat too much. There seems to be quite a limit to the food in this video and a controlled manner about eating them (measuring of the milk). I completely understand that this is the way you chose to eat and that has always worked for you but I am just concerned of the message this video could put across. In my opinion (and for the record I really do love your videos Anna and think you are an amazing person) it seemed a little controlled, but this may be because it was recorded for a video. You definitely don't look like you are depriving yourself as you have an amazing figure but some aren't as lucky as you and may think that eating in this way will be the best for them too. I did read the foot note to this vid but maybe think making in the first place wasn't the best plan. There is a reason people requested it. Many girls are insecure about their weight and want to find out tips on what to eat and how much. And just as different styles suit different people's figures different diets do too.

Anonymous said...

i dont know how to say this. i dont think its ok to measure milk and weigh cereal. i agree u eat so little when u dont even need to:).

but anyways i disagree with the mean comments. we just cant get past hurting others, can we?:)

Krista said...

Anna, I think your diet is perfect. You know what to eat to stay in the shape you want to be. People need to stop being so rude and get a life.

Scarlett said...

Woah there are some really mean people out there! Especially that person Anonymous! Slap on a pair and at least show your mean, dispiriting, soul-less faces. Or maybe your too embarrassed to show your sad, depressing face and name because your ass and face are clearly interchangeable features. A democratic vote requested this video, take it for what it is. It is a "typical" day of Anna's diet, not an encompassing view of everything and anything she eats. She has a healthy weight, looks normal. Anonymous you might be severely underweight or overweight I don't know, but sort your damn life out before criticising others. I understand Maddie's comments, but a persons food choices are their own and she isn't telling anyone to copy her. People (yes even young girls) have to take responsibility for what they eat, it is not Anna's responsibility. Her channel is about positive body image and she does that successfully. Rant over. Anna you rock. Done.

Anonymous said...

Anna,You inspire me.I never thought to put pesto on my pasta,I usually open the jar of Ragu!Ha!I realized after watching this that the reason I'm overweight is my portion sizes are way too big.The reason your in shape and don't have to exercise for hours is because you naturally practice portion control.Thank you for making this video.You are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

No vegetables ?! one fruit? :O horrible!!!!!!

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